Serving Ellis, Dallas, Tarrant and Johnson Counties in North Texas.

Family Owned and Operated

Founded in 2010 by Connie and Jeff Hatten, Fidelis is a family owned and operated company located in Midlothian, TX, just south of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Connie is a Registered Nurse and Jeff served in the Marines prior to his career in pharmaceutical sales. They have lived their lives in service to others so starting a home care business was a natural transition. The word “Fidelis” is Latin, and it means “faithful, loyal, and true.” These are the qualities that Fidelis strives to bring to our clients and their families. “We are blessed by a tremendous staff of caregivers who have helped Fidelis set itself apart as an award winning agency and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you.”

Why Choose Fidelis?


We Go Where You Are
We provide services to you so you can stay in your own home. However, Fidelis Home Care also provides services to individuals who may reside in an assisted living facility or nursing home. Senior care happens wherever seniors call home.


Customized Services
We conduct a confidential, in-home assessment to gain a better understanding of your specific needs. Then, we customize a care plan and provide a perfectly matched caregiver to meet the needs of you and your family.


Quality Caregivers
Our throughly screened and well-trained caregivers are all experienced. They understand that home care is all about the comforts of your own surroundings and they go out of their way to make you comfortable.


Peace of Mind
Having a family member who needs care is incredibly stressful. Let our expert staff help you through this emotional time by providing competent, experienced caregivers to ease your burden so you can simply enjoy being with your loved one.


Award Winning Agency
Our state licensed, bonded and insured agency has had the opportunity to obtain numerous awards over the years including Provider of Choice and Employer of Choice. We take our work, as well as your satisfaction of our services, very seriously.


Companion Connection
Fidelis is a member of Companion Connection Senior Care, a national organization of non-medical home care agencies. This access of current educational resources and training allows us to provide the highest level of care.

What Does Fidelis Mean?

Fidelis probably isn’t a word you hear everyday. But it’s the perfect word to describe our business, our mission and most importantly, our commitment to you.

Fidelis is Latin and means “faithful, loyal and true.”


You may have heard Marines yell, “Semper Fi” but do you really understand what it means? Watch the video and you will start to understand the significance of our name.

It is no accident that we are Fidelis Home Care.
It is deliberate.
It is who we are.

Fidelis Means Faithful

Our founder, Jeff Hatten, is a Marine and he brings that commitment into Fidelis Home Care. Read more about the founders here. You and your family can be assured that we will be faithful to you and meet your needs with excellence.

We will be loyal.
We will be true.
We will be faithful.

Contact us today at 972-775-1000 and let us serve your family.